For writing paper use template in word, which you can download on website
Contribution has to be written in English as scientific paper in the following format: Times New Roman font, 12 point size, single spacing, 25 mm margins all round. The title should be font 14 point size in bold form. Initials, names of authors - font 12 point size, one line of space above and one line below. In superscript a number corresponding with the affiliation and address of the (co-) authors. Affiliation and address of the authors, one line of space between authors´names and affiliation. Each address is written on a new line. Use one line of space below the affiliation. Abstract - max. 10 lines. Keywords – max. 5. Own text includes parts: Introduction, Material and methods, Results and discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgements, References. Length of paper should not exceed 8 pages of A4 including tables and figures.
At the end of paper full name and address with e-mail, phone of the first author.