Preliminary programme
30. August (Tuesday) - arrival
1200-2100 Registration in Hotel “Floret” in Pruhonice
31. August (Wednesday)
Session 1: Changes of soil fertility (soil quality, physical, chemical and biological aspects, erosion)
Keynote lecture: Kutilek, M. (CZ): Soil physics and climate change
Keynote lecture: Gonet, S. (PL): Carbon sequestration in soils under different management
Kisic I., Basic F., Birkas M. (CRO-HU) |
Effects of soil tillage on quality of soil loss |
Korsun, S.G., Parnikoza, I., Kozeretska, I.A. , Kunakh, V. A. (UK) |
Natural and anthropogenic influence delimitation on the soils composition in the maritime antarctic |
Jandak, J., Hybler, V., Vlcek, V., Hladky, J. (CZ) |
Tillage effect on saturated hydraulic conductivity of the topsoil and upper subsoil |
Zahora J., Novosadova, I., Sinoga, J.D.R. (CZ) |
Microbial activities related to nitrogen and carbon transformation in Mediterranean environment |
Muhlbachova, G., Vavera R., Ruzek P. (CZ) |
Changes of microbial characteristics, organic carbon, nutrients and CO2-fluxes and in soils under different soil tillage practices. |
Sarapatka, B., Cap, L. (CZ) |
Effect of different tillage on selected soil biological and biochemical characteristics |
Session 2: The effect of different agronomic measures on biotic organisms (occurrence, harmfulness of diseases, pests and weeds)
Keynote lecture: Smutny, V. , Winkler, J. (CZ): Weed spectrum changes under different cropping systems
Session 3: Perspective soil tillage practices (mechanization of agriculture, energy inputs, economy)
Keynote lecture: Weisskopf, P., Keller, T., Anken, T., Holpp , M. (CH): Controlled Traffic farming as a strategy to reduce compaction risks
Shehrawat, P., S. , Kumar , A. (IND) |
Zero-tillage technology-Knowledge, adoption and constraints perceived for sustainable farming and healthy environment |
Rosner, J., Klik, A. (AT) |
Minimum tillage and environmental aspects |
1. September (Thursday)
Session 4: Crop production and climate change (extreme events – drought and flood)
Keynote lecture: Várallyay, G. (HU): Soil as moderator of extreme hydrological events – drought and flood.
Devi, P., Shehrawat, P. S. (IND) |
Agriculture Production for Rural Ecological Sanitation and Healthy Environment |
Hlavinka, P., Trnka, M., Semeradová, D., Balek, J., Mozny, M., Eitzinger, J., Zalud, Z. (CZ-AT) |
Agricultural drought and its impact within yields of selected crops in Czech Republic |
Session 5: Cropping systems (modification crop management practices adapted to the soil conditions – crops and crop varieties, crop rotation, fertilization in conventional, organic and precision agriculture)
Keynote lecture: Birkas, M., Jug, D., Kisic, I., Smutny, V., Jolankai, M. (HU-CRO-CZ): Step-by-step adoption of adaptable soil tillage in Central Europe |
Sharma, U. C., Sharma , V. (IND) |
Cropping systems adaptable to acidic soils and high rainfall conditions in the north-eastern region of India |
Tyburski, J., Rychcik, B. (PL) |
Yielding of selected varieties of winter wheat |
Posters discussion:
Session 1:
Frydrych, J., Andert, D., Kovaricek, P., Vlaskova, M. (CZ) |
Evaluation of water infiltration on grassland |
Badalikova, B., Bartlova, J. (CZ) |
Degradation processes in soil under different soil tillage technologies |
Zigova, A., Stastny, M. (CZ) |
Mineral composition of agricultural soils developed on loess |
Javurek, M., Vach, M. (CZ) |
Long-term effect of conservation tillage on dynamics of some soil properties in a Luvisol, loam soil |
Pospisilova, L., Bakajova, J., Kucernik, J. (CZ) |
Thermo-oxidative stability of different origin humic substances |
Pospisilova, L., Jurica, L. (CZ) |
Characterisation of lignohumate by infrared spectroscopy |
Bartlova, J., Badalikova, B. (CZ) |
Water stability of soil aggregates by different soil tillage on chernozem |
Bartlova, J., Lang. J, Kubikova, Z. (CZ) |
The effect of traversing on soil penetration pressure |
Dryslova, T., et al. (CZ) |
Effect of soil tillage on soil properties |
Pokorny, E., Brtnicky, M., Denesova, O., Podesvova, J., Stralkova, R. (CZ) |
Impact of the climate on the physical soil properties |
Prochazka, J. et al. (CZ) Impact of catch crops on soil nitrogen kontent
Stępień, A. (PL) |
The influence of a meat and bone meal, and spraying with effective microorganisms on the aggregate composition of soil |
Stępień A., Orzech, K. (PL) |
The influence of a meat and bone meal, and spraying with effective microorganisms on the aggregation coefficients of the medium soil |
Session 2:
Vondra M., Smutny V. (CZ) |
Detection of herbicide phytotoxicity in poppy stand |
Session 3:
Vach, M., Javurek, M., Hysek, J. (CZ) |
The influence of different stand establishment and chosen biopreparations on production and health condition of winter wheat |
Neudert, L. et al. (CZ) |
Soil tillage and yield level in different crops |
Novosadova, I., Prochazka, J., Kubikova, Z. (CZ) |
Soil processing methods and their effects on soil parameters |
Orzech, K., Marks, M., Stępień, A., Treder, K. (PL) |
Influence of soil packing and tillage systems on weeds in winter wheat |
Houst, M. (CZ) |
Effect of different soil tillage intensity on yield of winter wheat |
Hula, J., Gutu, D., Kovaricek, P. (CZ) |
Soil compaction during the machines controlled traffic |
Kovaricek, P., Hula, J., Vlaskova, M. (CZ) |
Water infiltration into compacted soil in driving tracks of machinery |
Session 5:
Lang, J., Novosadova, I. (CZ) |
Yield and quality of forage in different cuttings during vegetation and variol nitrogen fertilizing |
Novosadova, I., Lang, J. (CZ) |
Quality characteristics of the red clover and white clover varieties |
Dryslova, T. et al. (CZ) |
Effect of soil tillage on yields |
Vavera, R., Ruzek, P., Kusa, H. (CZ) |
The effect of different soil tillage and different intensity of plant nutrition and protection on the yield and grain quality of winter wheat |
Prochazkova, B., Dryslova, T., Houst, M., Hledik, P. (CZ) |
Effect of different tiilage systems on spring barley yields |
Lukas, V., Neudert, L., Kren, J. (CZ) |
Mapping the spatial variability of soil using indirect methods |
Lukas, V., Neudert,L., Houst, M., Prochazkova, B., Illek, F. (CZ) |
Effect of different soil tillage on water infiltration into soil |
2. September (Friday)
Field trip and excursion (preliminary programe):
Visit of agricultural enterprise in Bohemia region (growing of maize under different soil tillage systems, maize hybrids, biogas station). Visit of some castle and Czech Brewery.