Rate of registration fees (in Euro):
ISTRO member | Non-ISTRO member | Ph.D student | Field trip - all participants | |
Payment in required time | 300 | 330 | 150 | 50 |
Payment after 31.May 2011 | 350 | 380 | 250 | 60 |
Fees for participants include: participation in the scientific programme, conference proceedings, CD, welcome reception, lunches, coffee breaks. Participants will decide about field trip.
Method of payment: By bank transfer only. All banking fees should be covered by the registrants.
Bank contact:
Account owner: ISTRO – Ceska republika, Vyzkumny ustav picninarsky, spol. s r.o.,
664 41, Troubsko u Brna
Name of bank: UniCredit Bank Czech Republic a.s., Lidická 59, 602 00 Brno
Account number: 2033987031/2700
IBAN: CZ40 2700 0000 0020 3398 7031
Remarks: „ISTRO CZ” and indicate your name.